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Xtinction Agenda

Mar 29, 2024

The teef be lookin' to steal somethin' sweet, mon cher. A soft kiss or golden portrait. Nothin' compare to your beauty 'do. You be the sweetest 'ting Gambit ever see. 

Perhaps you discuss with Gambit over candle light?

And silk sheets...

Next week: Rambo III

Mar 23, 2024

Doom resurrects the fallen herald of an alien god, setting him loose upon his enemies, the Curious Quartet!

Wait, that isn't right... Let's try that again.

...his enemies, the Heroic Household! 

Wait, that isn't it either...

Hold on, it'll come to me in a minute....

"How else can I plead but... guilty!"

Mar 15, 2024

Before the fantastic arrives like a bird on our shoulder, the world is all matter and atoms and coincidence. But then the little bird sings to us in that space between the uncanny and the marvelous, a sweet song of 'what if?' and 'just maybe'. And we doubt.

Anna learned this one day, years after the death of her...

Mar 8, 2024

These atomic powers and super suits are like guns, maaaan. And those super science types, they're, like, working for the government, dude. So we gotta stop them from taking our powers and make sure that we're free to save lives and serve justice, you know what I mean? They take our powers from us and we're lookin'...